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话不多说,要望模板在这里,图书馆系不要再佛了,私下抱怨是没有用的,事务所必须知道,团饭是靠团活活着的,我们不是必须要dome con 我们要的只是团活👬


1️⃣ 有会员的Jnet可以直接写意见,选KK,填会员号









いつもファンの願い・夢を叶えることを配慮しているジャニーズ事務所およびKinKi Kidsですから、必ず今年年末年始のグループイベントを実施してくれることを期待します。

We demand bringing back the year-end event of KinKi Kids!

To KinKi Kids, Johnny & Associates and whom it may concern, 

I am writing this mail to express how frustrated and disappointed I am after yesterday’s announcement. I am outraged by the decision of canceling the year-end KinKi Kids event.

As a fan and a FC member of KinKi Kids, the group event always comes the first. And that’s why I found it truly unacceptable of depriving my right of seeing KinKi Kids PERFORMING AS A GROUP, STANDING SIDE BY SIDE, ON THE STAGE IN FRONT OF US LIVE! 

There were only 4 days left every year for KinKi Kids event, and now, you took that away from us too. I am sorry but I have to say, this time, I AM NOT AND I WILL NOT BE ON YOUR SIDE.

You are not the only one who was suffering or found it hard through the situation. I, as all of the fans, was torn apart by the decision. 

I am not arguing if there should be a dome concert for the group event. I am arguing a group event itself, and a chance of fans to see KinKi Kids performing together with our own eyes, in any form. I want, I need, and I demand a measure of it. 

So please, don’t tell me you tried or tried hard. PLEASE TRY HARDER!

热度 ( 56 )